6.4. Endpoints
Endpoint is uniquely identified terminal in Payment Gateway, which is assigned to the Merchant and has to be provided in the commands within Payment Gateway API.
Endpoint search and KPI

Endpoint details
Message Templates

Payment Form
It is possible to configure custom payment forms on Endpoint or Master Endpoint. For configuration please see Forms Customization in integration documentation. Provide the customized forms to GitPay support manager for installation. Installed form names will be visible on Endpoint details screen.
Callback can be configured at the Endpoint level by using Create Callback utility. To set up new callback, go to the bottom of Endpoint details screen and click the “Add Callback” button. There are several parameters, which can be defined in the configuration window:
Transaction type.
URL address - is the fully defined URL with all the parameters Merchant’s target page or script would require. Example: https://www.merchant.com/sale_completed.
Comment if it is required.

Account Balance
Each Connecting Party has a merchant user account created in Payment Gateway. Merchant accounts can check current balances via Common tab on Endpoints. Balances also can be requested via API by Endpoint or by Merchant.
Please contact GitPay support to enable this feature.
See example of endpoint window with current balances below: