4.5. Reports

Remote transactions report


Remote transactions report provide an option to get complete information about transactions with their statuses for reconciliation, data integrity checks and further analysis.
Connecting Party is able to get a transaction report via Payment Gateway API.

Remote Transactions Report Flow

  skinparam roundcorner 20
  skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
  skinparam ParticipantPadding 30
  participant "Connecting Party" as User
  participant "Payment Gateway" as Merchant
  User -> Merchant: GET request to download transaction report\n/services/transaction-report
  activate User
  activate Merchant
  Merchant --> Merchant: Report is created
  Merchant --> User: Send remote transaction report
  deactivate Merchant
  deactivate User

(1) To send GET request to download remote transaction report see /services/transaction-report.
(2) Remote transaction report is generated based on applied filters.
(3) Prepared report is sent to Connecting Party.

Custom reports


Custom reports provide an option to get customized information from GitPay system to meet the specific business needs. Custom report content and format must be requested from Payment Gateway representatives.
Connecting Party is able to get a custom report via Payment Gateway API.

Custom Report Flow

  skinparam roundcorner 20
  skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
  skinparam ParticipantPadding 30
  participant "Connecting Party" as User
  participant "Payment Gateway" as Merchant
  User -> Merchant: GET request to download custom report\n/services/v2/rpt-engine
  activate User
  activate Merchant
  Merchant --> Merchant: Report is created
  Merchant --> User: Send custom report
  deactivate Merchant
  deactivate User

(1) To send GET request to download custom report see /services/v2/rpt-engine.
(2) Custom report is prepared based on applied filters.
(3) Prepared report is sent to Connecting Party.