1.10. Buy Now Button


Buy Now Button integration is relevant for Connecting Party who has limited portfolio of products to sell. It is the easiest way to integrate with Doc2.0. This way of integration doesn’t require much technical effort. Buy Now Button integration also allows Connecting Party to exclude itself from storing, processing, or transmitting Payer’s cardholder data or other sensitive payment details. Such data is submitted by Payer on Doc2.0 hosted customer details form and payment form in PCI DSS certified environment.

See terms definitions in Glossary.

  1. Payer clicks on Buy Now Button, gets redirected to customer details form provided by Payment Gateway and submits customer data;

Buy Now Button Form
  1. Payers then gets redirected to payment form and submits payment (cardholder) data.

Payment Form
  1. Contextual data is gathered by GitPay to process the transaction, Payer stays on wait form until transaction is finished;

Wait Form
  1. Payer’s browser gets redirected to the Connecting Party website to the resultant page.

Required Parameters for Buy Now Button Integration

Connecting Party provides to Payment Gateway support the following information for each product (item): Amount, Description, Final Redirect URL, Destination (purpose of payment) and Payment tool (payment method).
Payment Gateway provides to Connecting Party the Buy Now Button URLs for each product (item). URLs have the following format:





Buy Now Button Form Flow

  skinparam roundcorner 20
  skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
  skinparam ParticipantPadding 30
  actor Payer as Customer
  participant "Connecting Party\nwebsite" as Merchant
  participant "Payment Gateway" as g
  Customer -> Merchant: Checkout
  activate Customer
  activate Merchant
  Customer <-- Merchant: Display Buy Now Button
  deactivate Merchant
  Customer -> g: Redirect to Buy Now Button form
  activate g
  g --> Customer: Return customer details form
  deactivate g
  g <- Customer: Submit customer details form
  activate g
  g --> Customer: Return payment form
  deactivate g
  Customer -> g: Submit payment form
  deactivate Customer
  activate g
  g --> g: Process payment
  == Final redirect of customer ==
  g -> Customer: Connecting Party website redirect_url
  activate Customer
  Customer -> Merchant: POST redirect_url\nstatus, orderid
  deactivate Customer
  activate Merchant
  group Get Final Status
  == Receive Connecting Party Callback ==
  Merchant <- g: Сallback with final status
  g <-- Merchant: HTTP 200
  deactivate g
  == Order Status Request ==
  Merchant -> g: api/v2/status
  activate g
  g --> Merchant: Response \nstatus, order-stage
  deactivate g
  Merchant -> Customer: Show result
  deactivate Merchant

(2) Place the Buy Now Button HTML element on checkout page available for the Payer.
(9) To implement final redirect see Final Redirect.
(11,12) To implement order status request see /api/v2/status/. Connecting Party may request order status after receiving transaction ID in either Connecting Party callback or final redirect.
(13) To implement callback with final status handling see Connecting Party Callbacks.