1.10. Payment Cashier
Payment Cashier Flow
Options For Multi-Currency Integration
Payment Cashier can be configured for multiple currencies. For each transaction currency required by Connecting Party, a separate Master Endpoint with unique ID is created. In order to avoid integration to new Master Endpoint IDs for additional currencies support in future, Connecting Party can choose integration to Endpoint Group instead. Endpoint Group is a single logical unit which consolidates Master Endpoints in different currencies. Master Endpoints in new currencies can be added to the same Endpoint Group in future.
Payment Flow Customization Scenarios
Callback Notification Options
Redirect Payer After Any Decline
By default, the Payer stays on the Parallel Form if one of the auxiliary transactions is declined, so the Payer can try to pay with another available payment method. There is an option to redirect the Payer to the Connecting Party’s website after receiving an unsuccessful status (decline, filtered, error, etc.) on any payment method tab of the Cashier (auxiliary transaction decline will cause the decline on the master transaction). Please contact GitPay support manager to enable this feature.
Keep Payer on Finish Page
When one of the auxiliary transactions is approved, Parallel Form redirects the Payer back to the Connecting Party’s website (see Final Redirect). There is an option to keep the Payer on Finish Page instead of redirecting for approved auxiliary transaction (it might be useful if Payment Cashier is displayed in an iframe on the Connecting Party’s website). Please contact GitPay support manager to enable this feature.
Forced Payer Redirect
If it is necessary to redirect the Payer to the Finish Page while transaction remains in process, the following code must be added to the forms mentioned below:
Option 1
Auxiliary Finish Form Template:
function backToMerchant() {
<body onload="backToMerchant()">
<div class="container">
<div class="main">
<h2 class="summary__title">Deposit <span class="status-title">${STATUS}</span></h2>
<div class="back">
<a class="link" href="#" onclick="backToMerchant()">Back to merchant website</a>
Master Payment Form Template:
window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
if (event.origin !== "https://pay.connectingparty.com")
if (event.data === "redirect-to-merchant") {
}, false);
Option 2
Auxiliary Finish Form Template:
<div class="container">
<div class="main">
<h2 class="summary__title">Deposit <span class="status-title">${STATUS}</span></h2>
<div class="back">
<a class="link" target="_parent" href="${CUSTOMER_REDIRECT_URL}">Back to merchant website</a>
Subsequent Transactions on Payment Cashier
If the Connecting Party wants to initiate cancel, reversal or capture transactions on Payment Cashier, then Connecting Party needs to send a request to the Master Endpoint ID by using an auxiliary transaction’s order_id. This value can be received in callback from Auxiliary Endpoint together with other details about this transaction. See Callback Notification Options for details and check the transaction flow below.
Cancel Flow
Capture Flow
Reversal Flow